Vision Scotland : Everything you need to know

RLE lens options

Choosing the correct lenses for your eyes is one of the most important decision you will make. It is important that you you understand the options available to you and how they will affect your vision after surgery.

Everything you need to know

RLE Lense options

Choosing the correct lenses for your eyes is the most important decisions you will make. It is really important to ensure you understand the options available to you and how they will affect your vision after surgery.
Mr Jonathan Ross looking down a microscope during cataract surgery

Monofocal lens surgery

Monofocal lenses will give you good vision at one distance, hence the name ‘mono-focal’. Most people choose to see well for distance vision but will require glasses for close up activities such as reading. If you are passionate about close up tasks such as needle work or painting, you may choose monofocal lenses that allow you to see well close up but you will require glasses for distance.

Trifocal lens surgery

Trifocal lenses have three distances of focus, providing a combination of improved near, intermediate and distance vision.
Trifocal IOL’s represent the most advanced technology in vision correction. They allow the highest level of independence from glasses, enabling patients to see clearly at all three distances. Over 80% of patients who select trifocal lenses are completely free from glasses after surgery.

Mr Ross discusses cataract surgery

Lens options

The lens simulator allows you to see how your vision will be affected by the various lens options available to you. From the top tabs, select the description that best matches your current prescription. The image below will represent your own vision (For example, you will see that when you select ‘short sighted’ from the top tabs, the ‘pre-surgery’ image will show that the objects in the fore ground are focused but those in the distance are blurry). You can then select the various lens options so understand how your vision will be affected post surgery.

  • Short sighted
  • Long sighted
  • Shortsighted with astigmatism
  • Long sighted with astigmatism

Vision before surgery
Good close vision, blurry in distance

Good distance vision, blurry close vision

trifocal toric

Good all round vision

Vision before surgery

Good distance vision, blurry close vision

Good close vision, blurry in distance

trifocal toric

Good all round vision

short sighted with astigmatism pre surgery
Vision before surgery
short sighted with astigmatism pre surgery
Good close vision, blurry in distance + double vision all over
Good distance vision, blurry close vision + double vision all over
Good close vision, blurry in distance

Good distance vision, blurry close vision

Good all round vision + double vision all over

trifocal toric

Good all round vision

Vision before surgery

Good distance vision, blurry close vision + double vision all over

short sighted with astigmatism pre surgery
Good close vision, blurry in distance + double vision all over

Good distance vision, blurry close vision

Good close vision, blurry in distance

Good all round vision + double vision all over

trifocal toric

Good all round vision

Disclaimer: This tool is only a simulation and does not claim to be medically acrrurate.

Tri-focal lenses

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